- February 13, 2020
My Battle with Breast Implant Illness
I had to completely stop going to the gym. Next thing was the brain fog. I could not think straight, see straight, was in a constant state of lethargy and exhaustion and giving up on the things that I used to enjoy. I developed chronic pain on my shoulders and thought it was the workouts and getting old. I was also terrified of driving at night because I could not see well in the dark.
For some miraculous reason, my last mammogram revealed some “weirdness” that ended in a recommendation for removal of the implants. I jumped on that train so quickly!! Removal because whatever weirdness was showing, was going to be undetected until the implants were removed. Short story: they were both leaking, one was flipped and the pathology from both came back negative from anything harmful. Praising God!!!
Happy to report that I took the last allergy pill on the night before of explant. I am 7 weeks post-explant and my health is at is best. My skin is shining, my hair is growing, I can make full sentences without forgetting what I was talking about and the best part: the hives are GONE.
I wish to stress on how important it is to do research on this topic. Explanting is not a trend. Explanting is a method that more and more people are using to get their lives back. Please, if anything you can take from this post is my wish that you think about this thoroughly before making any kind of decision to surgically alter your body or put in an object that will chemically alter the way your body functions, please, please, please, do some research and always look for more than one source. Most surgeons, although skilled, make money on the implants that they put on you.
For any human out there looking at getting breast implants, because you think they will give you so much…please look at #BII and become aware of how much they could take from you in the process. Nothing external will fulfill you internally. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.