Born in Panama City, Panama, an expat, who has been living in the U.S. for the last 23 years. A contracts (manager) lawyer by day and a disco ball by night. With a crush for shiny objects and the smell of leather, preferably purses and shoes, and a fascination with anything fashion, beauty and shopping.
What started as a hobby, made me realize that I love communicating and socializing through blogging and sharing ideas, thoughts, reviews and even catchy phrases and that I wanted to grab a sport as a beauty, lifestyle and fashion blogger so I opened up my website as an online magazine where my readers can find and share honest content on the non-essentials things in life that make us smile. Also, here and there you could find recommendations and reviews of products, movies, TV-shows, books and anything that tickles my interest, promising that I do my best to be fair and that I would not recommend anything that I do not use or tested myself.
Please browse around my Shop or my content and find something that you may like but if you do not find it, ask me. I can be easily found here, on Facebook and Instagram. You can always use this form to contact me directly and send me some love or just to say Hi. I hope you stay close and visit often so we can share comments, ideas and thoughts on this amazing journey.